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The Razz: Sean's not finished yet.


SIR Sean Connery has put his career on hold while writing his memoirs.

The 74-year-old Scot walked away from a pounds 9.4m movie role last year and hasn't accepted any other offers.

Insiders say he had such a nightmare fighting with director Stephen Norrington while making The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, that he has lost his enthusiasm for big-budget Hollywood projects.

His publicist Nancy Seltzer said: 'He's taken some time off to write his memoirs.

'But he hasn't retired. 'When asked him if he'd play Indiana Jones's father again in another sequel, he said, 'Of course I would - don't be ridiculous'.'

The retirement rumour started last September when Sir Sean gave back pounds 9.4m and walked away from Josiah's Canon - a 20th Century-Fox heist movie to be directed by Brett Ratner.
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Date:Feb 12, 2005
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