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The Federal Idea: Public Law Between Governance and Political Life.


The Federal Idea: Public Law Between Governance and Political Life

Edited by Amnon Lev

Hart Publishing, Oxford


254 pages



Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law; Volume 18


International contributors to this book are public law theorists, intellectual historians, and scholars in law, political science, constitutional law, government, and constitutional theory. They review the foundations of federalism and explore innovations and new directions in federalist theory and public law theory. The bookAEs introduction presents basics of federalism and public law theory and describes models of federalism. The rest of the book is organized in sections on theorizing federalism, governing the federation, and federal trajectories. Some specific subjects examined are federation and empire, federal adjudication, federalism and democracy, federalism and the separation of powers, and the plurinational challenge. Distributed in the US by ISBS. ([umlaut] Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)

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Article Type:Book review
Date:Sep 1, 2017
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