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The Deliverance Trilogy.

The Deliverance Trilogy

A.K. Frailey

Three books in A.K. Frailey's 'Deliverance Trilogy' series provide Christian fiction readers with a blend of adventure, fantasy, and spiritual reflection which are designed to both entertain and provide hours of thought. First in the series is ARAM (9780989103541, $14.35), a story of a man's search for God in a world filled with evil forces. It details Aram's birth (before Israel was founded), his encounters with a hostile world where evil lies not just outside his community, but within, and how three warring factions discover connections which in fact bind them together. There's romance, mystery, discovery, and all kinds of adventure wound into Aram's life. The second novel in the trilogy, ISHTAR'S REDEMPTION: TRIAL BY FIRE (9780989103510, $12.95) provides a related book in the series and tells of one Ishtar, cursed and exiled from his roots, and how he comes to find friends in the world who face their own forms of exile and enlightenment. Chapters cover defining influences in his life, past and present choices, and the structure of change that will lead to his own spiritual and personal evolution. NEB THE GREAT: SHADOWS OF THE PAST (9780989103534, $14.35) provides a prequel that brings these first books together, providing a prequel that considers the shared ancestry of the first two title protagonists and the third protagonist of Neb the Great, raised to conquer until a woman changes his life and gives him sons who will change history. One son is the father of Aram--the other will fall further into a world of greed and corruption. Set in the land of Ur, these are the stories of promises, commitments, treachery and change. They're also interconnected sagas of personal demons and salvation, and bring messages of promise and hope to Christian readers who will readily recognize the parables and ideas in each of these stories.

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Title Annotation:A.K. Frailey's Aram Vol. 1, Ishtar's Redemption: Trial by Fire, Vol. 2 and Neb The Great: Shadows of the Past Vol 3.
Publication:California Bookwatch
Article Type:Book review
Date:Dec 1, 2013
Previous Article:The Blood Gospel.
Next Article:Allegiance and Betrayal.

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