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The Boy in Number Four.

The Boy in Number Four

Written by Kara Kootstra

Illustrated by Regan Thomson

Toronto: Puffin Canada, 2014

[] $19.99 HC (jacket & PLC) 978-0-670-06713-8

[] $7.99 EB 978-0-14-319299-2

32 pages, full-colour, 8 1/4" x 10 1/4"

IL: Ages 4-8 RL: Grades 2-3

It takes hard work and dedication to make it to the big league, but that's not all. Respect, determination and the sheer thrill of the game brought Bobby Orr from a small northern town in Canada to the NHL. This picture book celebrates hockey--from the backyard rinks to the big leagues. A book for hockey enthusiasts of all ages!


COPYRIGHT 2015 Canadian Children's Book Centre
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Publication:Best Books for Kids & Teens
Article Type:Book review
Date:Mar 22, 2015
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