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The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader.

The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader

Janet Sitchin, Editor

Bear & Company

c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.

One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767

9781591432296, $24.00,

The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader includes never-before published works as it gathers under one cover the interpretive skills of ancient biblical writings scholar Zecharia Sitchin. His niece edits his writings and compiles decades of research, organizing his theories under one cover and including chapters from his Earth Chronicles series alongside articles and lectures which haven't been published before. Each piece is introduced by his niece and assistant and offers personal insights into the man's research and works, making for a definitive collection no new age holding should be without.

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Publication:California Bookwatch
Article Type:Brief article
Date:Jan 1, 2016
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