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Ten Lectures on Cognitive Semantics.


Ten Lectures on Cognitive Semantics

Leonard Talmy



464 pages



Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics


Talmy delivered the lectures in October 2007 at the Fourth China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics. He covers how language structures concepts, force dynamics in language and cognition, how spoken and signed language structure space differently: a neural mode, fictive motion in language and ception, the attentional system of language, introspection as a methodology in linguistics, relating language to other cognitive systems, how languages represent motion events: typologies and universals, a typology of event integration in language, and digitalization in the evolution of language. Sound and video recordings are also available. ([umlaut] Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)

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Title Annotation:Leonard Talmy
Article Type:Book review
Date:Mar 1, 2018
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