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Teens are ready to rock; Four youth bands set to jam at bandstand Oct. 6.

Byline: Mairgread Gray

OXFORD - Come to the Teen Concert at the bandstand on Oct. 6 and be entertained by the talent and enthusiasm of four teen bands: Loaded, Forget Sunset, The Line, and Fatal Obsession.

Recently, members of the bands gathered in the Oxford Free Public Library, which is sponsoring the concert, to talk about when and how they began.

Fatal Obsession, an all-girl (and all 14-years-old) band has been together for about a year and a half. The girls are Maggie Rizzo on bass guitar and vocals; Abbye Woodward on drums; Chelsea Greene on guitar; and Kayla Degnan on guitar. Jared Kennan drew hearty laughter when he announced he was a groupie of theirs.

Maggie said they chose the name Fatal Obsession because they "really like music, and it just came to us." The girls are freshmen at Oxford High School, and have played for a basketball game, a school talent show, and a volleyball tournament.

Abbye began drum lessons about a year ago; Chelsea and Kayla began guitar lessons together about two years ago; and Maggie, the lead singer, has been playing bass for a year, and was in the chorus in Grades 6 and 7. They said they started the band because they "like music and it kinda fit."

"We're all best friends," Chelsea said. "Like, forever," Maggie added.

Fatal Obsession members write almost all of their songs, and like punk music and music about feelings. They wear black T-shirts, each adorned with a red heart in the center-front with eight white arrows radiating outwards from it. Members will sell the shirts at the concert for $11.

The Line features four local boys: Alex Owen (on drums) and Tyler Luppi (on bass and vocals) are sophomores at Woodstock Academy; Jeff Sirard (on guitar) is a freshman at the same school; and Alex Mitti (on guitar) is a freshman at Shepherd Hill Regional High School.

Jeff said they were "just messing around" when they came up with the name The Line - since there is a "line" between rock 'n' roll and reggae. "Our sound reminds you of classic rock. We can do seven-minute songs, too," he said.

The group has been together for two years - since Grade 8.

The Line played at Books & Beans in Southbridge in July, and headlined at Summerfest at the Woodstock Inn that same month. They've also opened for a band called Outbreak.

"Have a gnarly day," was a goodbye wish from The Line. The boys, who are 14 and 15 years old, will have a CD for sale at the concert.

Forget Sunset hails from Charlton. The name, chosen at random, "sounded cool," according to band members. Playing for about six months now, the 13-year-old members are Shane Larson on drums, Grade 9; Zack Shaw, vocals and guitar and Ryan Kelleher, lead guitar, both in Grade 8; and Matt Wilson, bass guitar and backup vocals, Grade 7.

Ryan said he and Zack had played acoustic guitar, and at one point, Shane came over and put a drum beat to one of their acoustic songs titled "Last Three Words." They would not say what the three words were, and burst into conspiratory laughter.

Zack said they play hard and soft rock, and they play alternative acoustic rock, such as "The Light." Forget Sunset has played at the Cornerstone Cafe in St. Joseph's Church, Charlton; and at the Labor Day party at Ryan's house. They are on the Internet at The band does 12 original songs written by Zack, who has written more than 25 songs.

"We'll be jammin' on Oct. 6," said Zack.

Coming from Oxford Middle School, all in Grade 8 and all in the same class, are members of Loaded. Jeremy O'Connor is on bass guitar and vocals; Ryan Marcinkus is on guitar and vocals; Alex White is on guitar; and Wesley Poirier is on drums. Forming the band was Ryan's idea, and they've been together about three months. Their first public appearance will be at Saturday's concert.

The group rehearses in the basement at Wesley's house. They write songs and also use others' songs, such as: "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit, and "I Don't Wanna Know" by New Found Glory. Loaded wrote "Speeding Up Time." All of the boys are 13 years old.

The free concert is a collaborative town project led by the Head of Youth Services, Cathy Livingstone, and Anna Darlagiannis, assistant grant manager. The concert begins at 3 p.m. Saturday at the bandstand on Main Street, (Route 12). Rain date is 3 p.m. Oct. 13.

Teen Concert

when: 3 p.m. Oct. 6

where: bandstand on Main Street, (Route 12), Oxford

how much: Free


CUTLINE: Performing at the Teen Concert on Oct. 6 will be, from left: Tyler Luppi,

Alex Owen, Zach Shaw, Matt Wilson, Jeremy O'Conner, Abbye Woodward, Chelsea Greene,

Kayla Degnan, Maggie Rizzo, Shane Larson, Alex Mitti, Ryan Kelleher, and Jeff Sirard. Not pictured are Ryan Marcinkus, Alex White and Wesley Poirier.

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Publication:Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)
Date:Sep 30, 2007
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