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Teenager caught trying to smuggle phone into prison.

Byline: LIZ DAY Reporter [email protected]

A TEENAGER who caused criminal damage at the Probation Service offices was caught trying to smuggle a phone into prison.

Joshua Good, 18, set off the security scanner at HM Prison Cardiff and admitted he had hidden a mobile phone on himself.

Sentencing at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Eleri Rees said people smuggling banned items into prisons was a "huge problem".

The court heard the incident occurred at the prison on Knox Road in Cardiff on May 11.

Ian Colvin, prosecuting, said the defendant had been remanded in custody for another matter.

He told the court the security scanner detected a banned item and Good admitted to the prison officer he had concealed a phone.

Prosecutors said he asked to go to the toilets and later handed over the phone. Good was arrested and told officers he tried to take the phone into prison because his grandmother was ill and he wanted to talk to her.

Mr Colvin said the defendant had been before the courts for 11 previous offences.

The court heard he caused criminal damage at the Probation Service offices on Westgate Street.

He was also previously sentenced for causing criminal damage to a door at his mother's house.

Good, from Hansen Street in Cardiff, admitted conveying a prohibited article into prison.

Tim Petrides, defending, said his client had been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and accepted he gets easily frustrated.

He conceded: "It is an extremely serious matter taking a mobile phone into the prison environment."

Judge Rees told the defendant the offence would usually result in an immediate custodial sentence.

But she said she would take an "exceptional course" due to his young age, guilty plea and positive attitude towards staff at his hostel.

The judge told Good: "You have some very important choices to make.

"You are 18 and you have been in prison - you know what it is like. You have to decide whether you are going to spend most of your adult life going in and out of prison.

"It is a very negative way to spend your life. You have a real opportunity to live in a different way and do something positive with your life. It is really up to you."

Good was given a 12-month community order and must complete 24 hours at an attendance centre. He must pay an PS85 surcharge and an order was made for the phone to be destroyed.

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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Oct 20, 2017
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