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Teamster Rebellion.

Teamster Rebellion

Farrell Dobbs

Pathfinder Books

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Farrell Dobbs was a coal-yard worker and one of the central leaders of the 1934 strikes when in his twenties. Some forty years later Dobbs was the national secretory of the Socialist Workers Party and wrote down an account of his experiences working in the coal yards and becoming involved in unionist movement organizing the drive to establish Teamsters Local 574 and the rise of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) as an effective nation-wide instrument to better working conditions for men and women like himself. Teamster Rebellion is Dobbs account of the hard-fought strike actions which were often all out battles with law enforcement and hired thugs operating as strike breakers in the employ of the exploitative company owners and such big-business fronts as Citizen Alliance. Teamster Rebellion is a welcome and recommended addition to academic and community library American Labor History collections.

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Article Details
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Author:Buhle, Willis M.
Publication:Reviewer's Bookwatch
Article Type:Brief article
Date:Dec 1, 2004
Previous Article:The Sleepytime Ponies Trick a Trickster.
Next Article:Socialism Betrayed.

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