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A Near Eastern god of fertility. In some obscure manner, Ishtar 's love for him caused his death, and Tammuz descended into the underworld, leaving the earth barren. Ishtar mourned him, and eventually followed him into the underworld, from which, with the help of Ea, she rescued him. With his father, Ningishzida, he became a gatekeeper at the palace of Anu, the god of heaven.

Tammuz was important, under one name or another, throughout the Near East. His earliest known form was the Sumerian shepherd - god Dumuzi. He was most widely known in later times in the modified form of Adonis.

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Publication:Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia, 3rd ed.
Article Type:Reference Source
Date:Jan 1, 1987
Previous Article:Tam o'Shanter.
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