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Takeaway shock as Nick finds something strange in his tea; Man's horror at giblets mix-up.

Byline: KRYSTA EAVES [email protected]

WHEN Nick Rogers tucked into a KFC meal he was disgusted to find he had bitten into what he thought was chicken brains.

The 27-year-old from Thornaby, got the shock after tasting a piece of chicken from his Big Daddy meal.

A spokesman for KFC said that it was a giblet and not a brain which had failed to be removed, and apologised for the incident.

Nick bought the Big Daddy meal and a Boneless Banquet from KFC on Allensway, Thornaby, for himself and girlfriend Gemma Malcolm, 28.

The Northern Gas Networks worker said: "I bit into it and there was a proper horrible taste. It made me feel sick. I wanted to throw up.

"I took it out and had a look and I thought it looked like a chicken brain.

"It looked absolutely disgusting, you could see all these squiggly lines. It was grey but there were bits of pink which looked like blood."

He immediately took the meals back to the restaurant on November 11, where he was given a refund for PS14.06 and told how to get in touch with KFC's head office.

He is now in the process of sending the sample off to KFC so they can analyse it.

But he says the whole ordeal has put him off from visiting the fast food restaurant again.

He said: "We normally go there two times a week but we won't be going again.

"I'm disgusted and just hope it doesn't happen to anyone else."

A spokesman for KFC said: "We always try to ensure the highest standards in all of our restaurants, and unfortunately it seems on this occasion, a giblet and not a brain as claimed, was not removed in the preparation process.

"We're very sorry about Mr Rogers' experience and while there was no health risk, we agree it was unsightly. Mr Rogers received a full refund at the time, and our customer care team will carry out an investigation as soon as the product is returned."


ANALYSIS: Nick bought his meal from KFC in Thornaby, leftPicture by PETER REIMANN

UNSIGHTLY: Nick bit into his meal and found what he thought to be brains

ANGER: Nick Rogers, right, and part of the meal he bought from KFC

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Publication:Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)
Date:Nov 24, 2012
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