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Browse Tabuteau, Emily Zack

1-6 out of 6 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
From England to France: Felony and Exile in the High Middle Ages. Book review Jun 22, 2017 530
King John and the Road to Magna Carta. Book review Mar 22, 2017 559
A Body Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I. Book review Jun 22, 2015 524
The Book and the Transformation of Britain, c. 550-1050: A Study in Written and Visual Literacy and Orality. Book review Sep 22, 2013 538
The Image of Aristocracy in Britain: 1000-1300. Brief article Dec 22, 1994 491
Church and City, 1000-1500: Essays in Honour of Christopher Brooke. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 446

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