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Our relationship with mascara is so complex it could be turned into a Taylor Swift song. We find one. We swoon over the size of its wand. We are entranced. It's going to be in our make-up bag forever! Then the next It Mascara comes along, whispering of patented brushes and all-night lash lengthening, and we've ditched the old one quicker than John Mayer. So it's come as quite a shock to realise we've become One-Wand Women thanks to YSL's Babydoll, which gives the prettiest wide-eyed 60s look EVER. Plus it's being fronted by Cara Delevingne and it's the first time we've torn our gaze away from her eyebrows.


YSL Babydoll mascara, PS24.50, in four shades, out 22 May
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Sunday Mirror (London, England)
Date:May 19, 2013
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