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TEEN GANG PAIR BACK IN COURT FOR ASBO BREACH; Two met after being ordered to stay apart.

Byline: ROB PATTINSON @rpattinson83

TWO members of a teen gang that caused mayhem around Birkenhead were back in court for breaching their ASBOs.

James Hutchinson, 15, and Daniel Bellis, 17, were among eight youths banned from the Larch Road area of the town for two years at Wirral magistrates' court last month.

A dossier submitted by Wirral council included a catalogue of 190 complaints of anti-social behaviour between May and November last year, when interim ASBOs were granted.

Members of the gang, aged between 15 and 19, were said to have engaged in "racial abuse, criminal damage, harassment, intimidation, threats, arson, theft, drunken behaviour, drug misuse and graffiti".

twitter Join us @ The eight teenagers were all handed two-year anti-social behaviour orders on February 24, banning them from areas of Birkenhead and also from associating with each other and six other people.

At Wirral youth court yesterday, Hutchinson and Bellis both pleaded guilty to breaching their ASBOs after being caught in the company of each other in a public place - Grange Road West - at around 9pm on March 14.

Solicitors defending the pair said it was a "chance meeting", with no suggestion of any other wrong-doing and they had both co-operated with officers at the scene.

During the ASBO hearing last month, the gang had been hauled back before district judge Michael Abelson who slammed their "disgraceful and shameful" behaviour after being told they had abused police and council officers.

But Sinead Fearon, defending Bellis, yesterday said her client was not among those who had taken part in that abuse and was trying to distance himself from that sort of behaviour.

The 17-year-old was sentenced to an extra month on top of an existing three- month referral order for a criminal damage conviction in December.

on twitter LIVECHONEWS Hutchinson was then brought before the court, with Matt Harvey, defending, telling the court his client was now boxing five days a week and hoping to pursue the sport as a career.

But chair of the magistrates' bench Thomas Dewhurst said they would take a different view with him, as he had two previous convictions and had also breached his interim ASBO.

A referral order he was subject to as a result of his previous convictions was revoked and he was re-sentenced to a six-month youth rehabilitation order with a supervision requirement, and ordered him to complete 16 hours at an attendance centre.

Both teens were also ordered to pay PS50 costs.

BACK IN COURT: Daniel Bellis


ASBO BREACH: James Hutchinson
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Publication:Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Apr 2, 2014
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