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Articles from Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) (March 18, 2019)

1-11 out of 11 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
Abu Said: Washington's support to terrorists in Syria proves its unseriousness in ending crisis. 159
Ambassador Ala: Syria's sovereign right to restore entirety of Golan non-negotiable. 319
Army destroys terrorists' gatherings and dens in countryside of Hama and Idleb. 263
Facilitations provided to economic activities to resume work in Ain Tarma, Damascus Countryside. 236
Gen. Ayoub: We will regain control over every inch of our territory. 471
Grospic: Int'l Coalition has supported terrorism , its presence in Syria is illegitimate. 157
Larijani: Planners of Zionist-US conspiracy against Syria have failed. 126
President al-Assad: Relation which gathers Syria with Iran and Iraq strong, boosted in the fight against terrorism. 412
Qassem: Syria has foiled all schemes targeting it. 143
Syria calls on US administration to stop financing and supporting terrorism. 254
Syria harvests 56 medals at 1st Special Olympics World Games, Abu Dhabi. 138

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