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Stop Worrying About Israel: Josef Joffe's Rebuttal to Ron Rosenbaum's Lament.

To kvetch is as Jewish as guilt-tripping, gefilte fish, and gloom. But the ne plus ultra of Jewish is angstthat sense of dread and foreboding that keeps whispering: "The universe is out to get you."

Given the Jewish experience of the last 5776 years, this take reflects realism rather than paranoia. Start with the eviction from Eden and the Deluge, which left only Noah's clan alive. Continue with the Pharaonic slavery and God's vow in the Desert (Numbers 14) to strike the Children of Israel "with pestilence and disown them." And so it goes: the Babylonian captivity, Haman, Masada, the destruction of two temples, the dispersal. It is an unending epic of persecution, expulsion and slaughter culminating in the Shoah.

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Author:Joffe, Josef
Publication:Tablet Magazine
Geographic Code:7ISRA
Date:Jan 6, 2016
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