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Slice of reality?

Byline: Lesley Roberts

Not buying the attempts by Victoria Beckham's skinny models to convince us they scoff junk food and down booze with the rest of us.

Mica Arganaraz attempted to hit back at critics by posing with a gigantic pizza.

Except she looked like she'd never seen such a thing in her life and her tiny arms were struggling to hold it up.

Meanwhile, model Ondria Hardin was pictured drinking beer while doing yoga, admittedly a tricky feat.

Well, at 140 calories a bottle, that's probably her daily allowance taken care of. She'd better make it last.

Enough pretending that you can eat normally and remain abnormally thin. It's a big fat lie.

And Victoria Beckham should know better than resorting to such impoverished stunts.


PIZZA FICTION Model Mica poses with her "dinner"

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Publication:Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)
Date:Sep 18, 2016
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