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Skinny dipper who runs NAKED in freezing temperatures says her unusual workout is the key to staying youthful; Inna Vladimirskaya has been carrying out the unusual Sunday ritual for nine years alongside her husband.

Byline: Dave Burke

A woman who endures the freezing cold to swim in one of Europe's coldest rivers says her unusual fitness regime keeps her looking young and healthy.

Inna Vladimirskaya strips off on the banks of the Dniper river in Kiev, Ukraine every Sunday morning.

She also runs along the snowy banks - a ritual she has been doing for the past nine years.

The 32-year-old says walruses look younger than they really are, because they spend so much time in cold water, and wants to emulate them.

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Her swim was captured on camera by Czech photographer David Tensinsky - who had heard of her 'crazy' ritual from locals who see her skinny dipping every weekend.

Inna said: "Every week I take a run in the snow and then plunge into the water.

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"Immersion in cold water makes the blood rush to the internal organs, activating their circulation, which helps break down fat and improve muscle tone.

"It also helps beat muscle and joint pain and rejuvenates my skin, because of the increase in oxygen supply to it.

"The walrus looks much younger than its actual age, because it spends so much time in cold water - humans can reap the same benefits if they are prepared to put the hard work in.

"I just make sure I don't stay in the water too long, and as soon as I am out I dry myself and go straight to my warm car."


Credit: Caters News Agency

Inna Vladimirskaya goes for a bracing run and swim every Sunday in one of Europe's coldest rivers

Credit: Caters News Agency

Inna Vladimirskaya, from Kiev, has been carrying out the weekly ritual for nine years

Credit: Caters News Agency

The 32-year-old runs through the snow and swims in the ice cold water

Credit: Caters News Agency

The 32-year-old often runs alongside her husband

Credit: Caters News Agency

Inna believes the cold keeps her looking young and healthy

Credit: Caters News Agency

Inna skinny dips in one of Europe's coldest rivers every Sunday

Credit: Caters News Agency

A friend helps Inna climb into the Dnieper river in Ukraine

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Title Annotation:News,World news
Publication:Daily Mirror (London, England)
Geographic Code:4EXUR
Date:Mar 16, 2018
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