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Sir David 20 years to save the Earth.

Sir David Attenborough has issued his starkest warning yet about the future of the planet.

The veteran BBC wildlife presenter said: "What we do in the next 20 years will determine the future for all life on Earth."

Attenborough, 92, said it was vital that we work to "solve the major problems" of the oceans and warned "the world is going to starve" if we don't.

Launching his new Netflix series Our Planet, he again highlighted the issues of plastic waste but also raised the problem of "acidification".

This is where the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide, killing plankton, one of the first building blocks of the food chain.

This might eventually see the "oceans die", according to the show's co-producer Kevin Scholey.

Our Planet, an eight-part series, is an ambitious four-year project filmed across 50 countries.

More than 600 crew were involved, training cameras on a wild diversity of habitats, from the Arctic wilderness and deep oceans to the landscapes of Africa and jungles of South America.

It's the fragile interconnections between habitats, and the possible resulting extinction of species, which most worries Attenborough.

He said: "The challenge and dangers are more powerful than ever.

"We are facing major problems in the oceans that mean, unless we solve them, the world is going to starve."


FEARS Attenborough

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Publication:Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)
Date:Apr 7, 2019
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