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Sick exploited to finance banks; Yousay IN YOUR OPINION...

ANTHONY DENTON says he hopes that "genuine benefit claimants will be treated in a fair and just manner" ("Disability policy is a sensible one," You Say, January 10).

With The Hardest Hit and Justice For All Protests having taken place supported by many thousands of people, I have no doubt this is an unwarranted attack by this Con-Dem coalition Government to exploit the disabled, elderly, sick, unemployed and deprived of their benefits to finance the banks.

Mr Denton says Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance claims are largely self-assessed. He needs to think again because, on the contrary, the DLA Mobility, Care and Attendance Allowances are the most difficult benefits to get, requiring a Department of Work and Pensions medical examination.

That I know first hand, as I have in the past been through a 45-minute tribunal appeal.

* Malcolm H Mort RNIB Cymru member and Hardest Hit campaigner
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Title Annotation:Letters
Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Jan 13, 2012
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