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Browse Sabir, Nadirah Z.

1-7 out of 7 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
The promise of programming. Feb 1, 1996 2618
Taking your job search online: don't limit your job hunt to the classifieds. You can increase your prospects by entering cyberspace. Jan 1, 1996 2211
Exit interviews: what you say on your way out is as important as what you said going in. Nov 1, 1995 582
The new guard! 25 future leaders to watch. Aug 1, 1995 3599
Doing business overseas and online: World Business Exchange - a lucrative connection. Apr 1, 1995 443
Come to Jamaica, "mon": tapping into hot trade market. Feb 1, 1995 695
A trade association - just for you: MEXIM, the first step for minorities tackling international trade. Feb 1, 1995 334

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