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Browse Saad, Lydia; Newport, Frank

1-5 out of 5 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Republicans Say Campaign Taking Toll on Party Image. Survey Apr 19, 2016 1182
"Email" Defines Clinton; "Immigration" Defines Trump. Survey Sep 16, 2015 1373
Obama Beats Romney as Better for Middle-Income Americans; Candidates are tied in perceptions of who would most benefit small-business owners. Survey Oct 1, 2012 853
Obama's Job Approval Tied to Economic Confidence in 2012; Presidents' job ratings don't always reflect consumer views of the economy. Survey Mar 19, 2012 1279
Republicans Negative, Democrats Positive in Describing Unions; Among all Americans, 38% have a negative image, 34% positive, and 17% neutral. Survey Mar 11, 2011 847

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