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RAINBOW NATION THERE is a great selection of bedroom equipment for kids now, from jazzy duvet covers to beds in the shape of cars or re engines. Shutterly Fabulous ( has created some rainbow coloured shutters that will brighten up a child's room in an instant. Decking out your o --spring's bedroom can become pricey, especially as children change so quickly, and grow out of designs that are too babyish. Shutters in bright colours however, will have a long lifespan. e bright colours work well for a broad range of ages, and will t in with a toddler's decor as well as a more grown-up look for an older child.

OUT ON THE TILES A second bathroom in a home is a major selling point - particularly if one of these is ensuite. An ensuite can be created from a tiny space, very slightly bigger than a wardrobe. All that's needed is a small loo, wash basin and shower. If space allows, then obviously it's possible to be more lavish with the ttings - a walk-in shower, or maybe a roll-top bath, but in more cases than not, space is at a premium, so small is beautiful. If a second bathroom isn't an option, then go for a downstairs cloakroom. Many houses have an understairs cupboard, which is an ideal place to slot in a cloakroom. Consider a wall-hung loo, as the lack of pedastal saves space. It also makes cleaning the oor a doddle. A corner basin is also another nifty space saving ploy. e softly sophisticated dove grey tiles in the picture are from Mandarin Stone (

SHED SOME LIGHT WA W RMsummer nights call for al fresco eating. And, as the light fades, make sure that you have some decorative lighting ready to cast a romantic glow on proceedings. Candles throw a lovely ickering light on the garden, and create attractive patterns as the shadows of leaves and owers dance in the light. e disadvantage of candles is that the slightest breeze blows them out. Lanterns solve the problem, and look great. ere's a huge range on the market, from cheap and cheerful to seriously expensive. Cox and Cox's colonial lanterns fall in the latter category ( ey cost PS150 a pop - buy both to create an eye-catching eect.

Yvonne Jones is a Royal College of Art trained designer, and owner of Chameleon Interiors Call 029 2037 1277 or visit

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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Aug 9, 2014
Previous Article:Perfect place to get away from it all... Author Lee Denzil Jones, 42, who writes under the name James Ellis, is working on volume three of his comic...

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