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THESE are the first pictures of Sean Connery's eagerly-awaited summer blockbuster The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

The film, abbreviated to LXG in posters and promotion, will be released in July and is set to knock comicbook heroes such as Daredevil and Spiderman for six.

And it's easy to see why - with not just one superhero, but a whole squad of them.

Based on an acclaimed comic series by Alan Moore, LXG is a bizarre fantasy in which a group of heroes and heroines from the pages of the world's best- loved literature are commissioned by Queen Victoria to combat the threat of a madman bent on world domination.

Connery stars as Allan Quartermain, of King Solomon's Mines fame. He is joined by The Invisible Man, Dr Jekyll, Dracula victim Mina Harker and Oscar Wilde creation Dorian Gray.

Actors Stuart Townsend, Peta Wilson and fellow Scots Tony Curran and Jason Flemyng also star. Rather than remain true to the comic roots, the pounds 60million film, directed by Stephen Norrington, also incorporates Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer into the story, so that there's at least one American in the cast, and the action is set in New York.

Although Connery landed the plum role of Quartermain, there was nothing particularly plummy about the shoot.

Filmed in Prague, Vienna, Malta and the UK, pounds 4million worth of sets were destroyed by the floods in Prague, and towering arguments between Connery and Norrington hardly eased the mood.

But during the height of the floods Sir Sean proved he was a real-life extraordinary gentleman by taking time out of his schedule to appeal for worldwide aid for the beleaguered Czech capital.
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)
Date:Feb 23, 2003
Previous Article:TOWN ON THE FARM; City slickers save young farmers clubs.
Next Article:My pics of the bunch; Top snapper John selects five from his favourite100.

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