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SC ruling in Panama papers case triggered chaos in country, says Nawaz.

Kot Momin -- Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that Supreme Court's ruling in Panama Papers case has triggered chaos in the country.

Addressing a big public meeting here Saturday, he said that if there is chaos in the country, ask this judgment,' he thundered adding the nation has spurned this verdict by the top court of the country. He further said the ruling has caused global ridicule for Pakistan.

Ridiculing the judges who disqualified him in Panama case, he addressed the people, 'You elect, but they (judges) disqualify,' adding the public gathering is a referendum against these judges.

Nawaz Sharif said there are different standards of justice for him and his political opponent Imran Khan, adding these standards are unacceptable. He lamented that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan was not punished by the courts even though he admitted he owns an offshore company, while he was sent home despite being an elected prime minister.

Nation has rejected Supreme Court (SC) decision of disqualifying me in Panama Leaks case, he reiterated. He said that supremacy of law will be restored at any cost and that ousting him became main cause of slow economic growth in the country.

Ousted Prime Minister accused Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan of wasting the money donated for hospital into gambling. The journey of progress has slackened but Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is not to blame for this, he remarked.

Picking apart his political adversaries, he stressed the Ladla (favorite) will find no place to hide themselves. 'You hurl allegations at others but you yourself are a very corrupt man,' Nawaz said about Imran.

Nawaz said that the huge turnout of the supporters at the rally is a testament to his popularity, terming it a 'referendum'. He also made a challenge to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan would not get any place to hide himself after upcoming general elections in 2018.He thanked his supporters for participating in the rally and said that this massive attendance is actually verdict of the people's court.

He also assured to raise standard of living for the poverty-stricken people by ensuring employment to them. He said that PML-N has overcome electricity load-shedding.

Lauding the services of current premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Sharif said that he is working hard for the development and well being of Pakistan. He said that Abbasi has inaugurated various projects to eliminate energy crisis.

Nawaz Sharif further termed youth as his army, saying that this force will bring revolution. He said that judges have to answer the questions being raised by the nation.

Bashing Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) Chairman Tahir-ul-Qadri, Nawaz Sharif said that the conspirer has reached Pakistan to play his tricks.

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Publication:The Messenger (Karachi, Pakistan)
Geographic Code:2PANA
Date:Jan 7, 2018
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