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Browse S.M.

1-69 out of 69 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Geneticists define new elephant species. Brief Article Sep 8, 2001 313
Seabird makes citrusy bug repellant. Brief Article Sep 8, 2001 176
Stinking decorations protect nests. Brief Article Sep 1, 2001 273
Oops. New feathers turn out lousy. Brief Article Sep 1, 2001 325
When rare species eat endangered ones. Brief Article Sep 1, 2001 290
Big woodpeckers trash others' homes. Brief Article Sep 1, 2001 240
The trouble with small male spiders. Brief Article Aug 11, 2001 206
New robot frog gets into fights. Brief Article Aug 11, 2001 251
Funnel-web males send knockouts in air. Brief Article Aug 11, 2001 230
River dolphins can whistle, too, sort of. Brief Article Aug 11, 2001 171
Shut up! A thunderstorm's on the way. Brief Article Jul 21, 2001 272
Minke whales make Star Wars noises. Brief Article Jun 16, 2001 249
Sitting around? (Chomp!) Back to work! Brief Article Jun 16, 2001 231
Cardinal girls learn faster than boys. Brief Article Jun 9, 2001 279
Caterpillars die rather than switch. Brief Article May 26, 2001 260
How spiny lobsters make scary noises. Brief Article May 19, 2001 352
Lyme ticks lurk on golf course edges. Brief Article May 19, 2001 137
When parents let the kids go hungry. Brief Article Apr 28, 2001 246
Great tits inherit egg spots from mom. Brief Article Dec 23, 2000 275
Nightlife: Marsupial meets mistletoe. Brief Article Dec 23, 2000 178
Lowering lilies on the tree of life. Brief Article Nov 25, 2000 434
Squirrels save for the family's future. Brief Article Oct 21, 2000 312
Virtual skylarks suffer weed shortfall. Brief Article Sep 16, 2000 381
Bt corn pollen can hurt monarchs. Brief Article Sep 16, 2000 223
She salamanders punish fickle mates. Brief Article Aug 26, 2000 177
Social tuco-tucos develop more variety. Brief Article Aug 26, 2000 169
Looking for a mate? Oh, whatever. Brief Article Aug 26, 2000 189
Puppy tests flunk long-term check-ups. Brief Article Aug 26, 2000 162
Beaks change songs in Darwin's finches. Brief Article Aug 26, 2000 217
Do people flirt like guppies? Brief Article Aug 26, 2000 184
How butterflies can eat cyanide. Brief Article Jul 22, 2000 259
Excuse me, dear, which octopus are you? Brief Article Jul 22, 2000 177
Wasps: Mom doesn't like you best. Brief Article Jul 22, 2000 123
Why did the turtle cross the road? Brief Article Jul 15, 2000 331
Predators shape river world top-down. Brief Article Jul 15, 2000 265
Old lemming puzzle gets new answer. Brief Article Jun 17, 2000 361
Biodiversity may lessen Lyme disease. Brief Article Jun 17, 2000 226
Invader ants win by losing diversity. Brief Article May 27, 2000 178
Family success prompts tit divorces. Brief Article May 13, 2000 238
Buddy power warms tent caterpillars. Brief Article May 13, 2000 200
Invaders can conquer Africanized bees. Brief Article May 13, 2000 149
Good guys and bad guys share tactics. Brief Article Apr 8, 2000 146
One-gene change makes mice neurotic. Brief Article Apr 8, 2000 156
Hey, we're richer than we thought! Brief Article Apr 1, 2000 291
Fading to black doesn't empower fish. Brief Article Apr 1, 2000 226
What's learning to a grasshopper? Brief Article Mar 18, 2000 261
Bacteria make locust-swarm signal. Brief Article Mar 18, 2000 169
Over there! Eat them instead! Brief Article Mar 18, 2000 138
Why tulips can't dance. Brief Article Feb 5, 2000 222
Males live longer with all-year mating. Feb 5, 2000 148
Just how much do U.S. roads matter? Brief Article Feb 5, 2000 160
Handsome blue tit dads have more sons. Brief Article Jan 15, 2000 378
Who's on first with hummingbird bills. Brief Article Jan 15, 2000 201
Weird jaws let tiny snake gulp fast. Brief Article Dec 4, 1999 233
Living insect with eyes like trilobites'. Brief Article Dec 4, 1999 257
Souping up the eggs if dad's hot stuff. Brief Article Oct 30, 1999 212
Skunk cabbage has on-off heat switch. Brief Article Aug 21, 1999 248
Oops. That mangrove tree's no lady. Brief Article Aug 14, 1999 207
Folk remedy zaps Ebola in lab test. Brief Article Aug 14, 1999 180
How a bee finds its first buttercup. Brief Article Aug 14, 1999 202
Scientists' lights blind deep-sea shrimp. Brief Article Apr 3, 1999 259
Chipmunks' unpleasant reminders. Brief Article Apr 3, 1999 236
Cost estimates rocket for uninvited guests. Feb 6, 1999 223
Good parents still make the difference. Brief Article Feb 6, 1999 320
Night life discovered for bumblebees. Brief Article Jan 30, 1999 305
Do parasites explain female promiscuity? Brief Article Jan 30, 1999 293
Where have all the red grouse gone? Brief Article Jan 9, 1999 194
Lobsters remember winners and losers. Brief Article Jan 9, 1999 171
Old West has fastest tree border yet. Brief Article Jan 9, 1999 182

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