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Robotic arm controlled by a person's thoughts.

Summary: A team of researchers from Brown University in the US have unveiled a robotic arm controlled by a person's thoughts.

A team of researchers from Brown University in the US have unveiled the latest breathrough in advanced brain interface technology.

Cathy Hutchinson, who lost the use of her limbs after a stroke, has been able to drink coffee using a robotic arm controlled by her thoughts.

The 58-year-old used a brain implant to control the robot, the first time she had picked up anything since she was left paralysed nearly 15 years ago.

Doctors see the experimental implant, called BrainGate, as a first step towards devices that can bypass damage to the nervous system, allowing paralysed people to regain control of their limbs.

"At the very beginning I had to concentrate and focus on the muscles I would use to perform certain functions," Cathy said, adding: "BrainGate felt natural and comfortable, so I quickly got accustomed to the trial."

Independent Television News Limited 2011. All rights reserved.

Independent Television News Limited 2012. All rights reserved.

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Publication:Independent Television News Limited (ITN)
Date:May 16, 2012
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