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Retreat from organic revealed in customer shift to cheaper food; ORGANIC MILK AND POULTRY SALES FALL.


THE recession and rising food prices have stalled our appetite for organic food, experts believe, after new figures show sales have fallen by millions of pounds within a year.

Sales of organic products fell 5.9% from pounds 1.8bn to pounds 1.73bn last year, and from a record pounds 2.1bn in 2009, the Soil Association's 2011 Market report shows.

Organic milk production in Britain has fallen for the first time since 2004, following a 50% growth between 2006 and 2009, and the amount of organic poultry being reared has decreased steadily.

Brian Walters, deputy president of the Farmers' Union of Wales, said: "There's an element of the economic climate in the country and the world where it's basic food that people will pay for rather than organic."

But one organic milk cooperative director argued that supermarkets were assuming there would be less demand during the recession and so had placed fewer organic products on their shelves.

More than eight out of 10 households now buy organic products. Dairy products and fresh fruit and vegetables are the most popular categories, accounting for 30.5% and 23.2% of organic sales respectively.

And we bought 30% more organic beef, organic babyfood sales were up 10.3% and those of organic textiles increased by 7.8%, the study found.

Aberystwyth-based dairy company Rachel's has seen growth this year, increasing its share of organic chilled yoghurts and desserts in the UK from 21.9% two years ago to 30% in 2010. It is now looking for more organic dairy farmers to meet the demand.

But the amount of organically managed land has decreased by 0.6% to 738,709 hectares and now represents 4.2% of all UK farmland, equivalent to more than the combined area of Somerset and Wiltshire, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) indicates. The number of UK organic producers fell by 4.2% to 7,567 in 2010, from a record high of 7,896 the previous year.

However, Organic Centre Wales (OCW), theWelsh Govfollow ernment-sponsored information centre for the organic sector, says the take up of organic land increased in Wales.

A report by Defra shows that the area of organically-farmed land in Wales increased by 34% compared with 2009. More than 8% of farmland in Wales is now organic - almost double that in neighbouring England and the UK average.

More than 80% of farmers who responded to the OCW 2010 producer survey said they intended to maintain or expand their current organic system. Only 3% said they would revert to conventional farming.

Last month Alun Davies, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and European programmes, announced an organic maintenance fund within the new Glastir agri-environment scheme, which comes into effect in 2013. Details will later this year. OCW's director Sue Fowler said: "This is likely to reassure existing organic farmers and those who are considering the switch to organic methods."

But Mr Walters is one organic dairy farmer who has reverted to conventional production.

"We changed a year ago last April and it was just down to economics," said the union leader, who farms at Ffynnon Drain, Carmarthenshire.

"The milk price was not sufficient to cover the cost of feed - it's as plain as that. And I know of a few farmers who have done the same and got out."

He said that in contrast to conventional milk production, the more milk an organic farmer produces, the lower the price per litre.

"I have two sons who have come home to farm and like any younger farmer they have get up and go and want to expand but there's no point if you get penalised," he said.

"I still think there's a market for organics but it's more down to milk processors to get hold of it.

"But there's also an element of the economic climate in the country and the world where it's basic food that people will pay for rather than organic."

Calon Wen organic milk cooperative director David Miles said some organic farmers were switching back to conventional production because it was easier and the milk price had improved.

He said the general slump in sales may be because supermarkets assumed there would be less demand during a recession and offered fewer organic products on their shelves. "But we have not seen a drop in sales and we have recruited five new farmers this year," said Mr Miles.

> YOUR VOTE PAGE 21 A PRICE COMPARISON BETWEEN ORGANIC AND NON-ORGANIC PRODUCTS ON THE SUPERMARKET SHELF YESTERDAY ORGANI* Tesco semi-skimmed milk (2 pints) - pounds 1.10 * Tesco thick-sliced wholemeal bread (800g) - pounds 1.14 * Sainsbury's whole chicken (1.75kg) - pounds 11.36 * Sainsbury's pure squeezed orange juice (1L) - pounds 2.24 * Asda pack of bananas - pounds 1.27 * Asda cauliflower - pounds 1.47 * Waitrose Pink Lady apples (4) - pounds 2.69 * Waitrose low fat natural yoghurt (500g) - pounds 1.27 NON-ORGANIC PRODUCE* Tesco semi-skimmed milk (2 pints) - pounds 0.89 * Tesco thick-sliced wholemeal bread (800g) - pounds 0.60 * Sainsbury's whole chicken (1.75kg) - pounds 5.00 * Sainsbury's pure squeezed orange juice (1L) - pounds 1.58 * Asda pack of bananas - pounds 1.00 * Asda cauliflower - pounds 0.84 * Waitrose Pink Lady apples (4) - pounds 1.99 * Waitrose low fat natural yoghurt (500g) - pounds 0.90* SOURCE:


* Farmer Brian Walters says the economic climate has hit organic sales * DairyCo organic milk figures fell from 175m litres in July 2008 to 153m litres in June this year
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Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Aug 13, 2011
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