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Rethink gets backing on acquisition.

THE transaction services team at accountancy and business advisory firm BDO in Birmingham has advised recruitment specialist Rethink Group on its first acquisition following its delisting from AIM at the end of last year.

Rethink, which has offices in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Bristol, as well as in Dubai, Singapore and the US, has acquired talent management firm Consort Group following investment from Business Growth Fund (BGF).

BGF invested PS2.5m to facilitate the acquisition of Consort Group and anticipates additional funding to support Rethink's further growth. The combined business is expected to generate revenues in excess of PS130 million in 2015.

Led by partner Graham Elsworth and director Dougal Baxter, BDO provided financial due diligence to Rethink on the acquisition of Consort and to BGF on its investment in Rethink.

Mr Elsworth said: "The recruitment and talent management sector is buoyant with significant M&A activity.

"Rethink is definitely part of that activity as it pursues expansion through organic and acquisitive growth."

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Title Annotation:Business
Publication:The Birmingham Post (England)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Apr 23, 2015
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