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Result has to be accepted.

In response to Peter Simpson from Dudley. In regards to the big red bus, let me tell you a few home truths. Firstly if you look back at the footage of the message in 2016 we were clearly told this money that we send to the EU every week could go to the NHS, not would, could go to the NHS as an example of a better use for that money. Do your homework, and do you really think people voted to leave the EU because the NHS would get some extra money? Are you kidding? I, like millions and millions of others, voted to leave the corrupt EU to stop mass immigration, control our borders, to be able to make our own laws and be an independent country again.

And the Leavers were deceived were they? And of course, you were not deceived, were you? You knew everything and so did all the other Remoaners, it was just the Leavers that got it wrong? Well guess what, if we had another referendum the result would be the same, but more overwhelmingly this time, because even ex-Remoaners like Piers Morgan think it is disgusting to ask for a second referendum when we already had one and the result was crystal clear.

And your so-called financial experts (who are obviously Remoaners) who reckon that we send less money to the EU, other financial experts say we send more, who are you to know what we send? And by the way, Boris Johnson will be PM and with a bit of luck we will leave at long last and people like you will end this undemocratic babyish nonsense. Get over it, you lost. Grow up.

If the Leavers had lost they would have accepted it because they are not leftie crybabies.

Sam Ross Wolverhampton

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Publication:Express and Star (Wolverhampton, England)
Date:Jun 25, 2019
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