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Browse Rabovsky, Sarah

1-7 out of 7 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Keeping the ball on the court: to find out why Boy and Betty Toy are hooked on tennis, you have to go back to 1978 and a wooden racquet that couldn't keep up with the fancy new aluminum ones. Brief Article Sep 1, 2005 169
Seeing red? Brief Article Mar 1, 2005 147
Get a cup and ... go! If you think stacking cups means putting away the dishes, you have some catching up to do. Although it may sound more like a chore, this fast-paced game has been growing wildly popular among students of all ages, with an estimated 7,500 cup-stacking programs worldwide. Brief Article Mar 1, 2005 117
TV teacher. Brief Article Feb 1, 2005 256
Hygienic heroes. Brief Article Feb 1, 2005 201
America's founding myths. Brief article Feb 1, 2005 163
Sick days: it's no fluke that flu season coincides with the school year. The close quarters of a classroom make it easier for yucky flu germs to take flight and, according to, flu epidemics often originate in schools. Brief Article Jan 1, 2005 161

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