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This week Sascha Grierson, left, of Hugh Grierson Organic in Perthshire, provides the recipe for her Sunday Roast Chicken with Giblet Gravy. For info visit


Remove giblets from the inside of your chicken. Leave to one side. Place chicken in a roasting dish with plenty of room for your roast potatoes.

Cut a lemon in half. Squeeze a little over the bird, then place halves inside the chicken cavity.

Roughly crush the garlic cloves and place in cavity.

Grind salt and pepper over the chicken. Put in a pre-heated oven (200C) for 20 mins per 500g. To find out if it's cooked, push a skewer into the leg and the juices should run clear.

Empty the giblets into 3/4 pint water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Remove the froth if any.

Remove the giblets. You now have giblet stock.

When your chicken has finished cooking, take it out of your roasting pan and cover with foil to keep warm. Leave it to rest. It will keep warm for up to 30 mins.

Sprinkle about 1/2oz of plain flour into the roasting pan and mix it with the meat juices. Cook the flour mixture for a minute or two.

Slowly add in the giblet stock, stirring briskly to break up any lumps.

Keep the pan on the heat until the gravy thickens.

Add water to get the gravy to a consistency you like. Taste, add salt and pepper if you think it is needed.

Hugh Grierson have a stall at the Organic Food & Drink Market at Glasgow Botanic Gardens on September 12, from 10am-3pm. The market is in celebration of Soil Association Scotland's Organic September campaign. Find out more at

This article is in association with Taste Communications.


Ingredients: 1 Hugh Grierson organic with giblets chicken garlic 1 lemon 4 cloves Salt and pepper Olive oil 1/2oz plain flour

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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Article Type:Recipe
Date:Aug 29, 2015
Previous Article:FOOD & DRINK.
Next Article:Quick meals.

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