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Quiz of the Day.

1. Which opera by Richard Wagner contains the wedding march, popularly known as Here Comes The Bride?

2. What are Gibsons and Fenders?

3. What term is applied to sound waves below the range of human hearing?

4. Which city is the most easterly in North America?

5. Which English town was once known by the Roman name Aquae Sulis?

6. Which church in London's Fleet Street is associated with journalists and printers?

7. Who captained the Australian cricket team when it lost the Ashes to England in 2005?

8. Which eel, found off the British coast, can grow to more than three metres in length?

9. What is the Royal Navy air force called?

10. In which US sitcom did Suzi Quatro feature in seven episodes between 1977 and 1979 as Leather Tuscadero?

ANSWERS: 1 Lohengrin; 2 Electric guitars; 3 Infrasonic; 4 St John's, Newfoundland; 5 Bath; 6 St Bride's; 7 Ricky Ponting; 8 The conger eel; 9 The Fleet Air Arm; 10 Happy Days


Suzi Quatro - see Question 10
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:The Birmingham Post (England)
Date:Jan 23, 2008
Previous Article:Culture Theatre: A very happy company despite all the bumps and bruises; Amateur theatre.
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