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1. What is the title of the latest single from Swedish singer Zara Larsson? 2. What is the second largest of the Channel Islands? 3. Which London street between the Strand and Ludgate Circus used to house the offices of most of the UK's national newspapers? 4. The Anschluss of 1938 was a union between which two countries? 5. Which parts of the body do doctors known as ophthalmologists specialise in? 6. Which British novelist wrote The Time Machine? 7. Of which Mediterranean island is Nicosia the capital? 8. Which freelyswinging device is used to regulate a clock mechanism? 9. Who became the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1980? 10. In which European city was the world's first urban underground railway built?


Q1 - Zara Larsson

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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Dec 7, 2018
Previous Article:three to see; WATCH AT HOME Missed it at the cinema or on TV? We round up the best streaming and DVD releases of the week.

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