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1. Which 2017 animated film featured Emily Blunt as the voice of a character named Tempest Shadow? 2. Merino is a breed of which animal? 3. Who played the monster in the 1931 film Frankenstein? 4. Sark is part of which island group? 5. Who was the first athlete to run the mile in under four minutes? 6. What is an angle of between 0 and 90 degrees called? 7. Which city is the administrative headquarters of Devon? 8. What was the official name for the poll tax? 9. Who wrote On the Road? 10. What is the hardest natural substance known? SOLUTIONS ridge.

ride, lied, idler, idle, glider, glide, girlie, girdle, gibe, gerbil, geld, dreg, dirge, dire, bridle, bridge, bride, bred, bled, birdie, bilge, bile, bier, bide, berg, DIRIGIBLE Wordsquare: O.

26= G, 25= Y, 24= A, 23= J, 22= H, 21= S, 20= P, 19= F, 18= L, 17= U, 16= Z, 15= I, 14= V, 13= T, 12= Q, 11= X, 10= D, 9= R, 8= W, 7= E, 6= N, 5= K, 4= C, 3= M, 2= B, 1= Codeword: Diamond.

10 Kerouac; Jack 9 charge; Community 8 Exeter; 7 Acute; 6 Bannister; Roger 5 Islands; Channel The 4 Karloff; Boris 3 Sheep; 2 Movie; The Pony: Little My 1 Quiz: birds.

all -Nightjar Cardinal, Flamingo, N.

is mark question the by represented letter The Circlegram: Andover.

Keyword: Ludo.

16 Oval; 15 Ergo; 14 Wine; 13 Snow; 12 Eats; 11 Maze; 10 Exam; 9 Ante; 8 Saga; 7 Lies; 6 Tell; 5 Runt; 4 Pear; 3 Step; 2 Ayes; 1 Spiral: Word

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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Feb 20, 2018
Previous Article:deaths.
Next Article:Punk rockers are back and much needed; REVIEW: Bowling for Soup at Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff ?????.....

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