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Prophecy in the ancient Near East; a philological and sociological comparison.


Prophecy in the ancient Near East; a philological and sociological comparison.

Stokl, Jonathan.



297 pages



Culture and history of the ancient Near East; v.56


In a revision of his 2009 doctoral dissertation at Oxford University, Stokl (Oriental studies, U. College London) examines prophecy in the territory between the Mediterranean Sea and modern Iran and a period from the middle of the third millennium BCE to the beginning of the Persian period at the end of the sixth century. The three corpora he mines for evidence are the royal archives of Old Babylonian Mari and some related texts, (royal) archives of the Neo-Assyrian empire, and the Hebrew Bible. Among his topics are professional and lay Old Babylonia prophets, the prophetic message, other aspects of Neo-Assyrian prophecy, the messengers in the Hebrew Bible, and a comparison of prophecy in the three traditions.

([c] Book News, Inc., Portland, OR)

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Publication:Reference & Research Book News
Article Type:Book review
Date:Oct 1, 2012
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