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Politicians' contempt for the people's voice.

WE LIVE in a parliamentary democracy, at least I used to think we did.

It seems this Brexit issue has caused some people to lose their sense of proportion.

I can remember when most people thought they had a stake in this country.

Times change and people are entitled to their opinions. But when "Brexit" is presented by some people as the preserve of the ill-educated, perverse and even fascist, one has to wonder.

Some of our politicians, who should know better, have even suggested that the result of the 2016 referendum can be ignored.

This, of course, would be in line with the complete disregard for British public participation which took us into the EU.

In this world there is little room for sentiment. Britain is an important contributor to the EU.

Other EU states also have issues with Brussels.

The present rulers can't be seen to be "soft" with Britain.

Prosperity and opportunity are highly desirable but the present EU rulers seem to be more concerned with federalisation and expansion.

It would be a pity if we were to lose our democratic traditions along with all the other things we have lost along the way.

Harry Thomas Neath Abbey

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Title Annotation:Features; Review
Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Oct 27, 2017
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