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Political Cartoon. (News Skills).

1. Who does the person sitting at the desk represent? _______

2. On which recent event does his newspaper comment? ________

3. What kind of chart does the one on the wall imitate? ______

4. On the chart in the cartoon, what does "Code Orange" represent? _______

5. According to the cartoonist, what is currently happening to civil liberties in the U.S.? ________

Political cartoon

This cartoonist uses satire (humor used to poke fun at another's actions) to comment on events in the news. What is he saying?

1. A member of the American Civil Liberties Union

2. The raising of the nation's level of risk of terrorist attack to "Code Orange"

3. The Homeland Security Advisory System

4. A high risk of attack on civil liberties

5. The cartoon suggests that civil liberties are at a high risk of attack from government organizations.
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Publication:Junior Scholastic
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Mar 28, 2003
Previous Article:Knowledge Bowl #5.
Next Article:Pictures from the past. (Astronomy).

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