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Pirates released 2,500 films and cost movie industry PS5m; FIVE FRAUDSTERS PART OF HUGE UNDERGROUND OPERATION ARE JAILED FOR A TOTAL OF 17 YEARS.

Byline: ALISON STACEY Staff Reporter [email protected] @Alibaabra

FIVE Midland men who masterminded a huge underground piracy operation to release blockbuster films like Skyfall and Avengers Assemble early have been jailed for a total of 17 years.

Sahil Rafiq, 25, Reece Baker, 23, Graeme Reid, 41, Ben Cooper, 34, and Scott Hemming, 27, all pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud and were sentenced at Wolverhampton Crown Court.

The fraudsters, who cost the industry PS5 million, illegally sourced and released around 2,500 films online which were downloaded millions of times.

The group often paid for illegal recording of films in cinemas, known as 'cams', and improved the quality through editing and encoding before releasing online.

The landmark case, which marks the first time that 'release groups' have been prosecuted, follows an investigation led by the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT).

Rafiq, from Wolverhampton received 4 years and 6 months. Baker, from Birmingham, was given 4 years and 2 months. Reid, from Chesterfield received 3 years and 6 months. Cooper, from Wolverhampton, received 3 years and 6 months. Hemming, 27 and from Birmingham was given a 2-year The result sends message engaging in to think Kieron suspended sentence. The men were first arrested at their homes in February 2013 by West Midlands Police. When officers raided Baker's home he was in the process of encoding the film Gangster Squad which had only been released three weeks before.

After he was bailed by police the scammer continued to offend and police found he leaked films including Man of Steel, Monsters University and Fast and the Furious 6. Kieron Sharp, Director General of the Federation Against Copyright Theft, said: "The sentencing is a great success for FACT as it marks the first time a release group has been criminally prosecuted. Rafiq, Baker, Reid, Cooper and Hemming were all aware that they were engaging in criminal activity.

"Their actions have now cost them their liberty. The result of this case sends out a serious message to anyone engaging in online piracy to think twice or face getting caught, prosecuted and sent to prison."

" The five men, who went under several online aliases including 'memory100', 'Cheese', 'Reidy', 'Cooperman' and 'Kareemzo',' formed integral parts of online communities of internet users who would gain kudos for being the first to produce the best illegal quality copies. The men were each involved in several release groups including; '26K, 'DTRG' 'DEYA' 'REMIXHD' and 'RESISTANCE'.

Baroness Neville-Rolfe, Minister for Intellectual Property, said: "The illegal copying and distribution of films has real consequences for the film industry and consumers. Today's sentencing shows how seriously the courts take this crime and the power of collaboration between industry, government and enforcement agencies."

6 months. The result of this case sends out a serious message to anyone engaging in online piracy to think twice. Kieron Sharp


Sahil Rafiq

Reece Baker

Ben Cooper

Films copied included, from left, Skyfall, Gangster Squad, Monsters University and Fast and the Furious 6

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Publication:Birmingham Mail (England)
Date:Dec 21, 2015
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