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PHL natural-gas output hits 83,026 MMcf, says DOE.

THE country's natural-gas output from January to August 7 this year stood at 83,026 million standard cubic feet (MMcf), bringing the total production since 1994 to 2,176,589 billion cubic feet (Bcf).

Latest data from the Department of Energy (DOE) showed that of the total gas output up to August this year, 79,535 MMcf was consumed during the period.

Of the figure, 78,198 MMcf was utilized to boost the country's power generation. The industrial sector took up 1,337 MMcf. The transport industry recorded zero consumption.

The country's natural-gas output peaked in 2018 at 150,804 MMcf.

From 1994 up to August 7, 2019, the same data showed that output reached 2,176,589 Bcf, while consumption stood at 2,096,793 Bcf.

During the period, natural-gas consumption for power generation totaled 2,058,793 Bcf, 37,816 MMcf for industrial sector; and 184 cubic feet for the transport sector.

DOE officials said the country's natural gas is being consumed domestically. It relies on the Malampaya deep-water gas field.

At present, the Malampaya Deep Water Gas-to-Power project is producing 3,400 megawatts. The gas field in offshore Palawan fuels three natural gas-fired power stations with a total generating capacity of 2,700 megawatts to provide 30 percent of Luzon's power generation requirements.

The agency highlighted the need for the country to expand the country's gas facility before the depletion of the Malampaya gas reserves. The DOE said gas reserves will fall to 1,000 MW possibly seven years from now.

The Malampaya project is a joint undertaking of the Philippine government and the private sector. The project is spearheaded by the DOE, and developed and operated by (Shell Philippines Exploration BV with a 45-percent stake on behalf of joint-venture partners Chevron Malampaya Llc.-also with a 45-percent stake-and PNOC Exploration Corp. The latter holds the remaining 10 percent.

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Publication:Business Mirror (Makati City, Philippines)
Date:Aug 16, 2019
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