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Overwhelmed; You Say Email:[email protected].

ON MAY 22 this year, my year of being Lord Mayor will come to an end.

May I take this opportunity to thank the wonderful and dignified people of Liverpool for welcoming me and my consort, my son Harry Drew, at each engagement. I have been overwhelmed by their generosity and support.

It has been a humbling experience and I can't thank or praise enough the fantastic staff at Liverpool Town Hall, who are the greatest ambassadors for the city. I could not have carried out my role without their help.

The civic history of Liverpool is so well respected by its citizens and remains an important part of the respect we also have worldwide. I would also like to thank my son and consort, my sister Sheila and my dear mum Marie, and all my friends who have supported me through an amazing year.

Finally, I would like to say good luck to Cllr Gary Millar and his consort, Steve Macfarlane.

Cllr Sharon Sullivan, Lord Mayor of Liverpool
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Title Annotation:Letters
Publication:Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)
Date:May 13, 2013
Previous Article:Thanks, Gerard; You Say Email:[email protected].
Next Article:Moyes bids Goodison goodbye; End of an era as manager bows out.

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