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One trendy tot.


* HER mum's a vocally challenged pop star turned fashion favourite. Move over Victoria Beckham - because baby daughter Harper is catching you up in the style stakes.

Despite being less than a year old, chubby-cheeked cherub Harper has been named most stylish celebrity child by a baby website.

True, she wears designer babygros and sports cutesy headbands.

Feed But I'd wager little Harper is more interested in where her next feed is coming from than what dress to wear to set the paparazzi flashbulbs going. My own childhood was a haze of pudding bowl haircuts and wearing hand-me-downs courtesy of my four older brothers.

And my only concession to style was a particularly natty shellsuit, but it didn't bother me.

You don't have to be trendy to be a happy kid.
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)
Date:Jul 15, 2012
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