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Obama pushes for stronger infrastructure, criticizes Republican resistance.

| WASHINGTON, April 30 (KUNA) -- US President Barack Obama on Monday told unionized construction workers the country needs to build a stronger infrastructure, arguing for "bold action" from lawmakers despite Republican resistance.

"Time and time again, the Republicans have gotten together and said no," Obama told members of the Building and Construction Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

In calling for better roads, bridges, airports, Obama said "the truth is, the only way we can do it on a scale that is needed is with bold action from Congress -- they're the ones with the purse strings." Obama also warned AFL-CIO members that Republicans are also dedicated to "dismantling unions." Obama's speech also tapped into his more general campaign theme that America is not a "you're on your own" society but one that works together. (end) KUNA 302145 Apr 12NNNN

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Publication:Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)
Date:Apr 30, 2012
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