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Browse O'Byrne, Robert

1-151 out of 151 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Budding artists: Robert O'Byrne draws some unexpected conclusions about botanical art in Ireland. Nov 1, 2023 994
Listed buildings: Robert O'Byrne reads between the lines of the itemised contents of Irish country houses. Feb 1, 2023 1050
Why was the Royal Academy so willing to let one of its most treasured pieces go? Jul 1, 2022 778
Can an exhibition represent a nation? Herbert Furst thought so in June 1942. Jun 1, 2022 774
There was relatively little mourning for the passing of the great London houses. May 1, 2022 738
From the Archives: Walter Sickert's music hall scenes bring us closer to an artist who is the victim of some very dodgy theories. Apr 1, 2022 770
As editor of Apollo in 1952, Horace Shipp was prepared to sail into choppy waters --and he didn't think much of Calder. Mar 1, 2022 795
In 1972 Apollo's editor Denys Sutton likened state interference in the arts under Lord Eccles to Soviet Russia. Feb 1, 2022 796
Sixty years ago, a ceramics specialist named Dr Boney wrote about a Georgian organisation called the Society of Bucks. Jan 1, 2022 915
Attitudes to restitution have changed dramatically since 2001, when the British Museum opened its African galleries. Dec 1, 2021 946
In 1991 the most expensive project in the history of art-book publishing was about to collide with the internet. Nov 1, 2021 927
In 1961, Apollo looked back at the Glasgow International Exhibition of 1901--and marvelled at the artists it excluded. Oct 1, 2021 781
The Pisa-born Ignazio Hugford decorated many an Italian church in his time. A pity his art was so bad ... Sep 1, 2021 813
In 1991 Apollo visited the Annenbergs at their Californian estate, Sunnylands--and rained on their (art) parade. Jul 1, 2021 821
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Medical silver might be among the more unusual subjects featured in Apollo, whose June 1961 issue showed its metal. Jun 1, 2021 809
Finding content amid wartime restrictions was a challenge for Apollo in 1941--as an article on 'interesting mortars' attests. May 1, 2021 774
In 1931, a letter from Madrid was no sooner printed in Apollo than the Spanish art world was undone by events. Sound familiar? Apr 1, 2021 740
In 1961, an Apollo writer rediscovered an artist whose reputation had been no more durable than his material--wax. Mar 1, 2021 808
FROM THE ARCHIVES. Feb 1, 2021 800
That fads might play a part in restoration was anathema to one Apollo critic in 1970. Column Jan 1, 2021 780
In 1929 Apollo boosted the profile of the brilliantly named artist Hercules Brabazon Brabazon. Column Dec 1, 2020 831
FROM THE ARCHIVES: A look back at the advertising that Apollo carried 40 years ago reveals a good deal about subsequent shifts in artistic taste. Nov 1, 2020 893
Founder of the Fondation Custodia and 'one of the last great collector-scholars', Frits Lugt was feted in Apollo in 1970. Oct 1, 2020 862
Fifty years ago, Venice was already in peril--and things would only get worse. But is there at last a glimmer of hope? Sep 1, 2020 792
Celtic revival: These essential records of Ireland's historic buildings reveal a wealth of curiosities, writes Robert O'Byrne. Book review Jul 1, 2020 1139
Despite the threat of German invasion from across the English Channel, the July 1940 issue of Apollo was business as usual. Jul 1, 2020 763
When Apollo raved about Ivan Mestrovic in 1930, he was the world's greatest living sculptor. So what happened? Jun 1, 2020 802
A collection of Chinese art previewed in the May 1940 issue of Apollo went under the hammer as Dunkirk was being evacuated. May 1, 2020 766
A misspelled name in the April 1950 issue of Apollo obscured the fascinating identity of museum director Louis Wijsenbeek. Apr 1, 2020 747
Television could give 'the ordinary layman' an artistic education, wrote a contributor to Apollo in 1950. Book review Mar 1, 2020 824
The extraordinary history of the Ghent Altarpiece--stolen many times over--featured in Apollo's very first issue in 1925. Feb 1, 2020 838
Opened just days after the Wall Street Crash, the Museum of Modern Art met with Apollo's approval in January 1930. Jan 1, 2020 857
From Russia, avec amour--in 1975 Apollo feted 18th-century St Petersburg's passion for all things French. Dec 1, 2019 806
Dora Maar could never escape her association with Picasso--even when her work was praised in Apollo in 1958. Nov 1, 2019 789
In 1977, Linda Nochlin's exhibition 'Women Artists: 1550-1950' was a revelation for its reviewer in Apollo. Oct 1, 2019 792
In 1929, a future Tate director writing in Apollo deemed admirers of modern art 'lacking all discrimination'. Sep 1, 2019 799
The furore over the Notre-Dame spire competition has echoes of the Louvre overhaul, covered by Apollo in 1989. Jun 1, 2019 784
Back in 1934, an art critic used column inches in Apollo to push a Leonardo attribution--for a bronze he owned. May 1, 2019 823
Invest in thoroughbred brown furniture--so Apollo advised 'men of moderate means and good taste' in 1945. Apr 1, 2019 806
The 17th-century papal feasts written about in Apollo in 1966 would have had today's Instagrammers salivating. Mar 1, 2019 804
Reflecting the excitement over a landmark show of Persian art in London in 1931, Apollo feted it in five consecutive issues. Feb 1, 2019 797
Controversy over how art should be displayed was stoking Apollo's editorial fire 30 years ago this month. Jan 1, 2019 786
Covering the Royal Academy's 200th anniversary in 1969, Apollo issued a gloomy--and thankfully mistaken--forecast. Dec 1, 2018 789
Niche market: Hugh Lane's philanthropy set him apart from the art dealers of his time. Book review Nov 1, 2018 1001
Hypnotic and erotic--Alphonse Mucha's work, reassessed in Apollo in 1963, took on the swinging decade's spirit. Nov 1, 2018 803
Oskar Bie's column celebrated the vibrant and cosmopolitan Berlin of 1928--with no foreshadowing of what was to come. Column Oct 1, 2018 776
Herbert Furst's tongue-in-cheek defence of philistinism in January 1945 reveals the prejudices of his age. Sep 1, 2018 805
Writing in 1964, Denys Sutton strove to rehabilitate Sargent's reputation after decades of negative critical reviews. Jul 1, 2018 787
A lot of hot Eire? Jun 1, 2018 1838
Paul J. Sachs was a banker and educator who shaped the museum landscape in the US, wrote Agnes Mongan in 1978. Jun 1, 2018 789
'This is a region that grew rich on slave labour': Robert O'Byrne in Savannah, Georgia. May 1, 2018 785
In 1936, Robin Baily was as duped by the early cricketing paintings assembled at Gatton Park as the collector himself. May 1, 2018 797
Although he was known as a painter, David Wilkie Wynfield excelled at photography, wrote Margaret Garner in 1973. Apr 1, 2018 765
Tintoretto's fanciful extravagance infuriated his peers, wrote Wolfgang Born in 1937--but therein lies his greatness. Mar 1, 2018 807
Posterity is not always kind to the artists deemed fashionable in their day, lamented John Grioni in 1968. Feb 1, 2018 772
Romantic Ireland: The little-known Frederic William Burton was a fine draughtsman. Jan 1, 2018 895
Records of the dispersal of Charles I's collection reveal how the great sale was organised, wrote W.L.F. Nuttall in 1965. Jan 1, 2018 813
CLOTHING ART AILEEN RIBEIRO. Book review Dec 1, 2017 386
As the forger Han van Meegeren went on trial for his fake Vermeers in 1947, Apollo admonished a complicit art world. Dec 1, 2017 770
Fragonard's reputation is diminished by the decadent paintings for which he is renowned, wrote Denys Sutton in 1987 Robert O'Byrne. Nov 1, 2017 798
Opera is an intrinsically despotic art form and, as Percy Colson wrote in 1925, the English have no appetite for it. Oct 1, 2017 775
The changing status of women--as artists, wives and mothers--was noted in a prescient article published in 1943. Sep 1, 2017 781
Dod Procter was celebrated in these pages in 1927--and rightly so, as an upcoming show in Edinburgh demonstrates. Jul 1, 2017 794
Pride of place. Jun 1, 2017 2781
The dressmaker Rose Bertin held sway over Marie Antoinette--and was the first celebrity fashion designer. Jun 1, 2017 783
Time has revealed the discerning eye of the disparaged collector Joseph Smith, wrote Francis Haskell in 1965. May 1, 2017 789
Writing in December 1954, shortly after Matisse's death, Clive Bell called time on the artist's rivalry with Picasso. Apr 1, 2017 774
The artistic achievements of the Mamluks rival those of the Renaissance, argued Mahonri Sharp Young in 1981. Feb 1, 2017 791
We have always lived in uncertain times, noted Frank Anderson Trapp in 1969, writing on the 1867 Paris Exposition. Jan 1, 2017 766
Apollo's response to Monet's death, published in 1927, demonstrates that critical acceptance can be a slow process. Dec 1, 2016 778
Well connected: Irishness is not the most interesting thing about Irish art. Book review Nov 1, 2016 933
From the archives: an editorial published in August 1963 celebrated Velazquez's mastery, noting the mystery at the heart of his paintings. Nov 1, 2016 792
Henri Fantin-Latour was irked by his flower paintings--but they make up his finest work, wrote Denys Sutton in 1984. Oct 1, 2016 763
Abstract painting came under scrutiny in Apollo in the 1950s, and with it came both resistance and shifts in perspective. Sep 1, 2016 775
Save our museums! Robert O'Byrne on an essay collection that makes a firm defence of public collection. Book review Jul 1, 2016 1041
The Sainsbury Wing's postmodern riffs on classical architecture, noted in Apollo in 1991, have an appeal that has endured. Jul 1, 2016 735
Recent Caravaggio attributions have caused a stir among specialists--but there is nothing new about that. Jun 1, 2016 758
The Mellon family's gifts to the American nation are priceless, wrote a prescient Mahonri Sharp Young in 1966. May 1, 2016 777
Arnold Hauser's grappling with the parameters of mannerism was ahead of its time, wrote Denys Sutton in 1965. Apr 1, 2016 750
Giorgione has long been an art-historical enigma, as Alfred Scharf made clear in an article published in Apollo in 1939. Mar 1, 2016 755
Henry James's final novel was inspired by attempts to keep a work by Hans Holbein the Younger in Britain, wrote Adeline R. Tintner in Apollo in 1981. Feb 1, 2016 812
Art historians can fall prey to changes in taste, as revealed in two articles published in Apollo in 1949 and 1984. Jan 1, 2016 746
Art criticism is an indulgent folly, declared Apollo in 1951--but the best practitioners possessed an eloquence rarely seen today. Dec 1, 2015 778
Romanticism was an essentially English movement, wrote Horace Shipp in 1959, taken to fierce extremes on the Continent. Nov 1, 2015 731
An article from 1946 drew attention to the Chinese taste for Western objects, which remains a neglected subject to this day. Oct 1, 2015 752
From the archives: the duc d'Orleans ruled France as Regent for just eight years, wrote John Richardson in 1949, but the influence of his taste was pervasive. Sep 1, 2015 756
Contemporary art scandalises newspapers but, as Ronald Pickvance noted in 1963, even Degas was misunderstood by the British press. Jul 1, 2015 761
Art theft is nothing new--the 17th century saw churches across Italy robbed of their Raphaels, wrote R.W. Lightbown in 1963. Jun 1, 2015 763
From the archives. May 1, 2015 916
From the archives. Apr 1, 2015 779
A vanishing world. Mar 1, 2015 3307
From the archives: the wars, transgressions and political intrigues of Tudor England drive our fascination with this turbulent period in history-more so than the art that has survived, wrote David Piper in the December 1956 issue of Apollo. Mar 1, 2015 784
From the archives. Feb 1, 2015 832
Emerald style: Robert O'Byrne assesses a major scholarly endeavour to chronicle Ireland's creative history. Jan 1, 2015 1029
From the archives. Jan 1, 2015 787
From the archives: Hokusai's colour woodcuts have long been admired in the West for their elegance and poetic representation, but his little-known ink paintings are the true masterpieces of imagination, argued Victor Rienaecker in October 1950. Dec 1, 2014 773
Turning Turk: Robert O'Byrne assesses two publications dealing with the impact of the Orient on Western taste. Book review Nov 1, 2014 1088
From the archives. Nov 1, 2014 796
From the archives. Oct 1, 2014 840
From the archives. Sep 1, 2014 808

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