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Browse O'Byrne, Chris

1-8 out of 8 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
April Droppers: A spring searching tool for bass anglers. Apr 1, 2023 532
Cell Phone Casting: New casters might get the feel pretty quickly these days. Jul 1, 2022 501
Fly lines under forty bucks: save money on your next cast. Jun 1, 2016 508
Blind casting: chess on the water. Oct 1, 2014 603
Casting weighted flies: break some rules, save your head. Jun 1, 2014 703
Fly line backing out of sight, close to mind. Mar 1, 2014 683
Pack for the long haul: tips for better adventure travel. Dec 1, 2013 599
Three tips on the hook set: a perfect cast is only the start. Sep 1, 2013 764

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