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Browse O'Brien, John G.

1-12 out of 12 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
For rent: prime office space: it's been a great presidential year for this real estate lawyer, but the lease is up. President's page Jun 1, 2010 107
Government lawyers and the ISBA: lawyer public servants explain why they belong to and actively participate in their state bar association. President's page May 1, 2010 885
Defense lawyers - you can't afford not to be ISBA members: civil defense lawyers - here's why you owe it to yourself, your colleagues, and your clients to belong to your state bar ass'n. President's page Apr 1, 2010 683
The many money-saving benefits of ISBA membership: a look at this incomplete list of ISBA services and discounts makes clear that your dues investment has a high return. Mar 1, 2010 682
Helping women in the profession and beyond: ISBA's Standing Committee on Women in the Law promotes the interests of women in general and women lawyers in particular. Here's just some of what they do. President's page Feb 1, 2010 809
ISBA Mutual - a success story for Illinois lawyers: here's what sets this lawyer-owned insurance company apart from the competition. President's page Jan 1, 2010 657
Same holiday wishes, new hope. Dec 1, 2009 180
A busy year with more to come from ISBA's Young Lawyers: with the bar year not half over, the ISBA Young Lawyers Division has been busily raising money for charity, sponsoring CLE, publishing articles, and more. Nov 1, 2009 665
Our season of service: meeting the pro bono challenge: need is up and resources are down in this struggling economy. Now more than ever is the time to give your time, talent, and treasure to the pro bono cause. President's page Oct 1, 2009 916
A magical October evening: the IBF Gala. Sep 1, 2009 612
A busy autumn lies ahead: the Solo and Small Firm Conference and the Illinois Bar Foundation Gala are just two of the events coming up this fall. Conference news Aug 1, 2009 794
Nominate yourself for an ISBA Committee or section. Brief article Jan 1, 2009 244

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