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Not so smart meters THERE'S [...].

Not so smart meters THERE'S more to smart meters thant the Examiner's article (October 17) and Feedback correspondents have so far alluded.

Contrary to the babyish advertisements, 'Gaz and Leccy' aren't "out of control" at all, they can be easily controlled by use of the down knob and off switch respectively.

Their costs can be worked out from the meter and/or device power consumption using simple schoolboy maths.

Smart meters are being introduced for one reason - to control supply, necessitated by governments kicking the energy policy can down the road for the last 20 years.

The pointless and crazy 'decarbonisation' of power generation by closing coal-fired and gas-fired power stations together with relying on useless wind farms has left this country on the cusp of running out of electricity while making it more expensive than ever.

Smart meters give energy suppliers the capability of remotely scaling-back supplies to properties when demand exceeds supply, giving what's termed a brownout (as opposed to a blackout). Something else to thank the global warmists and the Greens for.

So if you want to guarantee being warm and able to see your way round the house, refuse a smart meter. By the way, they aren't 'free' - we all pay for them via our bills.

As an aside, some smart meters work via mobile phone technology.

If the meter's in a difficult position (down a cellar say - not unusual), the transmission signal radiation strength can be up to 800 times that of a mobile phone. This is causing health concerns in other countries.

If you were one of the parents who used to protest about mobile phone masts outside junior schools you may wish to give that some thought.

Finally, the personal information that smart meters transmit by wifi (including whether or not the house is empty) is, of course, open to hacking.

Richard Huddleston West Slaithwaite

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Publication:Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)
Date:Oct 19, 2016
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