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Non-traditional home modifications for children with special needs: families can benefit from looking at how their child functions daily in their current environment and what challenges exist.

Parents of children with disabilities may need "environmental modifications" for their home or vehicle. Many articles focus on the conventional modifications such as ramps, lifts, and accessible vans. This piece will examine non-traditional modifications that families can do and how to find funding for home modifications for their child.


There is no easy answer to this as it depends on the child's special healthcare needs. For example, families can look at how their child functions daily in their current environment and what challenges exist. If the family is moving, they can look at homes that may best suit their needs such as those with existing ramps or on a single floor. If a child is medically-fragile, s/he would have different needs.


Besides the obvious wheelchair accessibility and eliminating stairs or using lifts, parents can look at things that may make it simpler for their child to do things more independently. For example, maybe a non-skid tub floor, adjustable showerhead, shower chair, or shower with built in benches is needed. Or perhaps grab bars in the shower, grab bars near the toilet, or a comfortable height toilet seat will help the child be able to do daily tasks more easily. Some children may not need "roll in" showers for wheelchairs, but could need the new "walk in" showers so they don't have to try to climb over the tub wall. Parents may have to "babyproof" their home to keep their child safe. This could also include locking and alarming doors (including indoors like basements) for children who wander, or using baby monitors at night, for example, if their child has seizures. Families may want to get rid of area rugs as tripping hazards. Parents may also want to turn down the water heater to below 120 degrees to prevent burns. Simple adaptations can be switching to easier grip doorknobs and faucet handles.


One of the biggest concerns of families who have children with medical equipment is the loss of electricity. There are both standalone whole house generators as well as more affordable portable generators. Again, it depends on the needs of the child. Some utility companies have priority power restoration for those with life-threatening illness. However, perhaps a child just needs their medication refrigerated so a portable generator will do. But if a child is medically fragile and requires climate control, perhaps a whole house generator is better.


One thing parents may do even if they have central air conditioning is to get a window unit in case the unit needs to be repaired and put it just in their child's room. This would also work for a portable generator. Besides climate control to keep children with medical conditions safe, there are other things families can do that will affect their child's health. There are items that can be attached to current heating and air conditioning systems. For example, there are air filters which eliminate bacteria, viruses, mold, and pollen. Some will provide hospital quality air to homes. In addition, there are whole house humidifiers that eliminate dry air which could make children more susceptible to illnesses, especially in winter.


Some costs may be covered by insurance or a Medicaid waiver with a doctor's note but usually families need to look for other funding. In other cases parents pay up front and get reimbursed (see resources link to additional funding sources.)

* In some states there are Offices on Disabilities, either at the state or county level.

* Some states have departments for those with developmental disabilities, or departments of children and families (found on the state's website.) Councils on Developmental Disabilities can be found at:

* Catastrophic Illness Funds

Some states have funding for catastrophic illness, which could include home modification. Parents can contact their Title V (Maternal/Child Health) program found at:

* Service organizations

Service groups will sometimes do fundraisers for families who have no other funding and can't afford home modification. Some of these groups include the Kiwanis (, the Jaycees (, the Elks (, or local churches.

Families of children with special needs can make both big and small environmental changes that will make things easier--and healthier--for their child.

Lauren Agoratus, M.A. is the parent of a child with multiple disabilities who serves as the Coordinator for Family Voices-NJ and as the central/southern coordinator in her state's Family-to-Family Health Information Center, both housed at the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) at


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Author:Agoratus, Lauren
Publication:The Exceptional Parent
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Jul 1, 2014
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