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Browse Nadler, John

1-167 out of 167 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
HBO Europe gives drama full 'Treatment'. Nov 12, 2012 460
Hungarian film week goes self-serve. Feb 13, 2012 667
Eastern Euro animators toon up for business. Oct 24, 2011 421
Korda ups profile with park. Brief article Sep 26, 2011 306
Hungary gets Israeli 'Kiss'. Aug 22, 2011 538
Fest gives Romanian pix breath of fresh air. Jun 27, 2011 533
Transylvania fest's fortunes rise with local film revival. May 9, 2011 464
Hungary joins digital laggards. Jan 31, 2011 473
Romania gets ready for 'Treatment'. Dec 6, 2010 477
Can Gopos grow Romania B.O.? Apr 12, 2010 458
Film Week fetes 'Pascal'. Brief article Feb 15, 2010 273
Hungary for blood? HBO hopes so. Brief article Feb 16, 2009 292
Tax breaks set the stage for Magyar industry boom. Sep 8, 2008 486
Rebates safe in Hungary. Brief article Jun 16, 2008 340
HBO Hungry for Euro docs: Poland leads nonfiction prod'n. Mar 17, 2008 489
MTV strikes sour note. Brief article Oct 29, 2007 249
Gary Franklin. Obituary Oct 8, 2007 248
Istvan Gaal. Obituary Oct 8, 2007 220
Biz startled by TV boom in Eastern Europe. Oct 1, 2007 616
Freedom revs Magyar engines. Brief article Oct 1, 2007 348
Biz booms at East Europe confab. Brief article Jun 25, 2007 364
Thaw in laws may leave cablers skating on thicker ice. Brief article Apr 16, 2007 343
Magyar studio eyes May bow. Brief article Jan 15, 2007 185
"CSI" solves mystery of ratings rise. Brief article Oct 2, 2006 248
Theaters woo fans with cup coverage. Brief article Jun 26, 2006 111
New media, new future for Central Euro mart. Jun 19, 2006 423
Hungary: reality runs dry as Magyar shoppers go the scripted route. Brief article Apr 3, 2006 316
Hungary: lingering TV2 questions create buying anxiety. Brief article Oct 10, 2005 332
Hungarian plexes go on the block. Brief article Aug 1, 2005 338
Cabler decries extended licenses. Brief Article Aug 1, 2005 123
Magyars hungry for big pic feast. Jun 27, 2005 663
A new kind of Hungarian. Interview Jun 27, 2005 274
Topper out in pope news gaffe. Brief article Apr 25, 2005 227
Hungary: local fare, reality fill airwaves. Apr 4, 2005 400
Bank trust benefits Hungarian pic shoots. Dec 13, 2004 328
Nets' fishy stories about ratings. Oct 18, 2004 107
Hungary: reality glut has buyers looking elsewhere. Oct 4, 2004 359
Femmes join SBS' club. Brief Article Sep 13, 2004 141
Geza Boszormenyi. Obituary Sep 6, 2004 319
Transylvania stakes claim to its own net. Brief Article Jul 19, 2004 105
Kurdish-lingo content ban to end. Brief Article May 31, 2004 182
Inventor takes top slot at pubcaster. Brief Article May 24, 2004 132
Broadcast org growls at watchdog. Brief Article May 24, 2004 142
Marika Roekk. Brief Article May 24, 2004 306
Tyro net flies straight to the top spot. Brief Article May 10, 2004 271
Kusturica tapped for pubcaster board. Brief article May 10, 2004 201
Fed TV cracks down on cablers. Brief Article May 10, 2004 125
Watchdog whips webs for sex, violence. Brief Article Apr 26, 2004 118
EU newbie preps to go digital. Brief article Apr 19, 2004 273
Eastern Europeans bulk up stages. Apr 12, 2004 504
Pols open door to monopoly. Apr 12, 2004 253
'Moms' on move in Magyar makeover. Apr 12, 2004 260
RTS topper toppled over Kosovo crisis. Mar 29, 2004 288
Niche channels want to be counted, too. Mar 29, 2004 275
Hungary: rising niche nets navigate to positions of prominence. Mar 29, 2004 337
Auds flock to join a hot Klub. Brief article Mar 29, 2004 330
Hard-up state network RTV dials up subs' help. Brief Article Mar 8, 2004 113
Multiplex boosts nation's B.O. Mar 1, 2004 343
Watchdog pulls 'political' station. Brief Article Feb 16, 2004 108
Soviet spies need not apply for Magyar TV job. Brief Article Jan 19, 2004 111
Magyar Televizio chief resigns amid scam. Nov 17, 2003 141
Tyro digital network makes 'Whoopi'. Oct 27, 2003 133
Pubcaster axes new chief backed by PM. Brief article Oct 20, 2003 153
Gov't breathes new life into vampire park. Sep 22, 2003 154
Watchdog barks at RTL Klub. Sep 22, 2003 185
Bosnia station shutters. (Television/International). Brief article Jul 21, 2003 165
Politicos wade into broadcast reg spat. (Serbia). Brief Article Jul 21, 2003 300
Media law aims to end TV chaos. (Hungary). Brief article Jun 30, 2003 365
Format for success: reality programs are still hot at Discop mart. (Eastern Europe). Brief article Jun 30, 2003 374
Beleaguered net ups vet. (Hungary). Brief article Jun 23, 2003 187
Lost mandate hastens RTS fadeout. (Television). Brief article Jun 2, 2003 167
'Big Brother' is too Orwellian, watchdog sez. (Romania). Brief Article Jun 2, 2003 121
Exhib's promos power 'plexes. (Hungary). Industry Overview May 5, 2003 253
Watchdogs give martial arts pics a karate chop. (Romania). Brief Article Apr 21, 2003 303
SBS satire sparks `big fat' controversy. (Hungary). Brief Article Apr 7, 2003 107
Pols tune into controversy over Antenna sale. (Hungary). Brief Article Mar 31, 2003 155
SBS station denies it's floundering. (Hungary). Brief Article Mar 24, 2003 146
No sex please, we're Macedonian! (Macedonia). Brief Article Mar 24, 2003 113
Hungary looks toward real world for choices. (Territory Reports). Brief article Mar 24, 2003 373
Dr. Sex revs uptight auds. (Albania). Mar 17, 2003 317
Cabler reaches out to young, rich auds. (Bulgaria). Brief Article Mar 17, 2003 104
4 nations: good will hunting. (The Balkans). Brief article Mar 10, 2003 355
Altar-ed image for religious net TV3. (Slovenia). Brief Article Mar 10, 2003 107
Solons block reform law. (Bulgaria). Brief Article Mar 3, 2003 174
Licenses denied to two Serbian broadcasters. (Montenegro). Brief Article Mar 3, 2003 198
Gov't looks to privatize biz. (Hungary). Brief Article Feb 24, 2003 198
Politicos launch channel to televise war. (Bulgaria). Brief article Feb 17, 2003 165
Urban comedy gets top prize at Hungarian fest. (Hungary). Brief Article Feb 10, 2003 291
Gov't gives Magyar fest a leg up. (Hungary). Brief Article Feb 3, 2003 235
Auds win fight to ax viewing tax. (Serbia). Jan 27, 2003 363
Exex feed auds hungry for more. (Hungary). Brief article Jan 20, 2003 206
Pols to ax channels in reform. (Serbia). Brief article Jan 13, 2003 302
Nobel puts spotlight on Kertesz. (Hungary). Jan 6, 2003 187
Politico storms studio. (Serbia). Brief Article Oct 21, 2002 291
Sexy `Brother' offends church. (Hungary). Brief Article Oct 14, 2002 219
Rivalry fuels ratings battle. (Territory Reports). Oct 7, 2002 400
Serbia TV sees huge growth. (Territory Reports). Oct 7, 2002 318
Steamy `Brother' puts broadcaster on top. (Hungary). Brief article Sep 23, 2002 288
Politicos tune in: critics fear new cabler will push propaganda. (Hungary). Brief Article Jun 24, 2002 374
SPI targets upscale niche market. (Hungary). Brief Article Jun 10, 2002 522

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