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Browse Nadia Al-Faour

1-10 out of 10 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Ukraine war compounds food-security woes of Middle East and North Africa. Mar 10, 2022 1524
From Syria to Ukraine, a saga of serial abandonment of Western allies. Mar 2, 2022 1338
Early marriage blights lives of young girls in Lebanon's marginalized communities. Feb 23, 2022 1402
Abduction ordeal of 6-year-old Fawaz Qetaifan prompts pushback against cruelty and lawlessness in war-torn Syria. Feb 8, 2022 1205
Stress laid on interfaith cooperation at Expo 2020 Dubai event to mark Human Fraternity Day. Feb 5, 2022 886
Why Yazidi survivors of Daesh enslavement and their children are stuck in limbo in Iraq. Jan 31, 2022 1501
What prevents Iraq from meeting the youth employment challenge. Jan 24, 2022 1489
Gulf Arab embrace of Jewish minority reflected in Bahrain cemetery-restoration project. Jan 22, 2022 1519
Northeast Syria's experience signifies challenge of ending use of children in conflicts. Jan 15, 2022 1590
How Lebanon's antiquated citizenship laws deny stateless people and their children basic rights and welfare. Jan 13, 2022 1545

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